Flying to New York

by Edwin

Before you continue reading my first blogpost from the States I just want to mention that I didn’t had so many hours of sleep last night, so you could probably see that back in the quality of my writing, but that means it’s only getting better in the next couple of weeks… eeh months 😀

Today I found out that it’s a good thing that a day only has 24 hours and not 30 or more. I always wished for longer days, but now I finally had a day of more than 30 hours and I found out that it’s quite exhausting…

It just gives you a weird feeling when you know with your head that it’s after midnight where you came from but that the sun is still up and it’s only around 7pm where you’re going.

Flying to New York isn’t really so exciting to be honest. You have to wait a couple of hours at the airport, watch some movies in the airplane, going to customs and you’re there. Well, I had diner above the clouds, what was a nice experience and they had free drinks what was also very nice, but for the rest it’s not a very big deal.

From the Airport I took the subway to Manhattan and while I was looking on the map in the subway I slowly started to realize that I am actually in New York… 😀

When I walked up to the streets at Columbus Circle, one of the first things I saw were the yellow taxi’s. Then you know it for sure: you’re in New York! That’s was really an indescribable feeling. Something I always dreamed of is coming true and this dream was actually very realizable. You save some money and just buy a ticket and go to the Big Apple. It’s almost as easy as it’s sounds. And it’s totally awesome!

Around 10pm New York time I arrived at the apartment of a friend of a friend of mine and I was able to get some sleep. To wake up quiet early in the morning again, but you’ll read more about that tomorrow.