Getting lost in Seattle

by Edwin

While I was planning to have a relaxed day, it totally didn’t turn out to be one. I woke up again in the back of my car, starting to feel like home there 😉 and drove to the nearest gas station to fill my car back up. Then I followed the instructions of my travelguide to drive via the Columbia River which was a very beautiful drive. Halfway I crossed the so-called ‘Bridge of the Gods’ a really old, metal bridge which brought me to the other side of the river where it was even more beautiful.

There were many waterfalls on the other side of the river and at the biggest one I decided to make a hike. I got myself a map at the visitor centre and picked a some trails of about 5.5 miles long, not knowing that it would be the heaviest hike so far. Because not only the hike was very long it was also many meters climbing. It was a climb of more than 850 feet, that’s about 260 meters, but it was totally worth it. I saw many beautiful waterfalls and enjoyed the beauty of nature again.

Really exhausted from the hike I decided to drive to Seattle that night, because I thought it would be more fun in that city at saturday than on sunday. During the ride I saw one of the most beautiful sunsets ever but, as you can understand, I wasn’t able to drive the freeway and take pictures at the same time. After about three hours driving I arrived in Seattle, getting a big dissapointment there. The cheapest hotel in the area was $189,- for a night. That was not exactly in the budget, so I drove back from the centre and fortunately found a Starbucks with a parking place. Although my mom reads all my blogs, it’s good that she doesn’t always know where I sleep these days. Let’s say it’s a big adventure, sleeping in the neighborhood of Seattles Harbor. I’m very happy that actually no one noticed so far that I’m sleeping in the back of the car. I’m getting more and more used to park my car somewhere and just sleep there. But if I have to choose between getting lost in a city or in nature in the middle of nowhere, I would definitely prefer that last one. Although I always thought that I’m a cityguy, these days I found out I’m absolutely more an outdoor-guy. 😎