80 Days in America

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Category: Uncategorized

Playing piano on the streets

Today Jennifer and I went to downtown Denver, which was mainly one big shopping street. We went out shopping for Jen and hang out in downtown the rest of the day. What was really nice was that on the main street they placed many old piano’s. Seventeen pianos to be exact. They are all painted […]

Beautiful Colorado

An American friend of mine who lived in Amsterdam always bragged about how beautiful Colorado is. Most of the time I just replied with “yeah, sure” or something like that, simply because I didn’t know. After today I have to admit that it’s really beautiful indeed. Almost as beautiful as montana. 😉

My first encounter with the American police

Haha, I’m wondering what you all would be thinking after reading today’s headline. Well, I can say that it was an exciting day today. It started early in the morning when I woke up in a freezing cold car. Seriously, there was ice on the windows.

Second day in Yellowstone

I started the day by driving around in the village just out of the park, in search of wifi to update the blog and check my e-mail. I ended up in a cosy bookstore-cafe, something I really wish we had back home too. I spend my morning there with a nice big cappuccino and my […]

Yellowstone! :D

I think it was about ten minutes driving from the place I stayed for the night to the west gate of Yellowstone National Park, so I entered the park quite early in the morning. The weather was cleared up again and everything was absolutely beautiful. Only after a couple of miles I saw a lot […]

A rainy day

When I woke up this morning I saw even better how beautiful this area is, because it was already dark when I arrived in Missoula last night. I went downtown to see more of the town and to have breakfast. After I had walked through the centre called ‘Heart of Missoula’ and had breakfast there, […]

Crossing four states in one day

This morning I said goodbye to Dawn and Debbies mom, but not before she gave me enough food, drinks and snacks for the next months. I now know that D&D don’t got their generosity from a stranger. 😉 Happy with a lot of food and drinks for a long time I hit the road again […]

Another day in the ‘little alps’

In the morning I went downtown to Joseph again to spend some time in one of the local restaurants with wifi. I got in touch with some friends and family again and did the necessary e-mails. The restaurants here look really American as you know it from the movies. Besides getting in touch with people […]

Climbing a mountain with horses

This morning I went back to the stables where I was yesterday. I asked if it was possible to do a four hours ride and the owner of the stables replied by asking me if I maybe had more time today. Of course I had and then she told me I could do a day-trip […]

Relaxing in Oregon

After a week of living in the back of my car, the cabin felt like a nice hotel. I had a good sleep in the wooden house and after breakfast I drove through the small town. Joseph in Oregon is a small, cosy town with mainly one street. On my way to Joseph I crossed […]